If you have a large amount of interrelated data at hand, one of the most challenging things is finding specific data that you need across multiple sheets. This is why Google Sheets came up with Vlookup, which helps people search for data needed from another sheet.
Most Google Sheets users tend to believe that using Vlookup is complicated and requires expertise in this field. However, the truth is that using this feature is really easy and convenient in many ways. In this article, we will give you a step-by-step process on how to use it.
True to its name, the Google Sheets feature Vlookup is very useful for vertical lookup. You can use it to search for a key-value (unique identifier) within a column in a specified range. Also, returning a value from another column in the same row is possible through this. Here is the syntax used in the Google Sheets Vlookup:
= VLOOKUP (search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])
The function works on interrelated data across different worksheets in your Google Sheets. This way, you can easily find the data that you are looking for. As an example, here is a sheet for May Sales of a furniture shop. Now, looking for the total ordered amount of a specific person within a large number of data could be troublesome. This is why we are going to use VLOOKUP.
*For more complicated cases, there are other steps that you should use on top of this!
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