In this tutorial, we will show you exactly how to export Google Sheets as CSV with quotes in just a few simple steps. Simply follow the steps below.
Follow the steps below to export a Google Sheets file as a CSV with quotes.
Click the + Add Sheet button to add a new sheet into your data. This will host your new set of data enclosed with quotes.
On the new sheet, select cell A1 and input the following formula: '''=ARRAYFORMULA(""""&''' in the formula bar. Note that this formula is partially finished.
While still editing the formula bar, reference your data by going to the sheet containing the data you want to export, then highlight everything you want to use. In this example, Sheet1 contains the target data.
Finally, close the formula with '''&””””)''' then hit Enter from your keyboard. This will automatically place quotation marks around the values.
Go to File menu, choose Download, and click Comma Separated Values (.csv). This will export the data, including the quotes, as a CSV file.
We hope that you now have a better understanding on how to export a CSV from Google Sheets with data enclosed in quotes. If you enjoyed this article, you might also like our articles on how to insert a flowchart in Google Sheets and how to print on envelopes from Google Sheets.