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How do Barcodes Work? The Ultimate Guide (2024 Update)

2.3 minutes

In this article, we will explore how barcodes work and then look at a real world example to better illustrate how they work.

how barcodes work

How Barcodes Work

Here are step-by-step instructions detailing how a bar code works.

1. Data Assignation

In this initial step, a unique identifier, often a combination of numbers and letters like "ZK121023", is assigned to a product, allowing it to be distinguished from others and facilitating tracking and management.

2. Selection of Barcode Standard

The choice of a specific barcode format is made, determining how the assigned data will be visually represented. This format ensures compatibility with scanning equipment and acts as a language for communication with computer systems.

3. Conversion to Visual Symbols

The unique identifier is transformed into a visual barcode representation using specialized software, comprising a series of bars and spaces adhering to the chosen barcode standard.

4. Integration onto Product Packaging

The generated barcode is printed onto the product's packaging, ensuring uniformity across all units and making it readily available for scanning during various product-related processes.

5. Scanning at Point of Sale

When a product is purchased, a barcode scanner uses light to read the barcode's pattern, quickly decoding it into the original product code for accurate identification.

6. Retrieval of Product Details

After scanning, the store's computer matches the decoded code with its database, retrieving product information such as name and price, facilitating efficient pricing and inventory management.

7. Application in Inventory and Sales

Beyond sales transactions, barcodes help track inventory levels by deducting sold items and providing data for sales analysis, ensuring efficient inventory management and timely restocking.

how bar code works

Example of How a Barcode Works

Let's now apply the process of how a bar code works with a real-world example. Imagine you have a skincare product, the "Starlight Face Cream" flying off shelves and captivating customers. Here's how the barcode for your product works:

1. Data Assignation

Every product on the market has a unique identifier to distinguish it from millions of others. In your case, the "Starlight Face Cream" is given a specific code: "SL123456."

2. Selection of Barcode Standard

There are numerous barcode formats tailored to different industries and needs. For general retail items like your face cream, we choose a commonly used standard, termed "RetailCode."

3. Conversion to Visual Symbols

With specialized software, the unique code "SL123456" is transformed into a visual representation consisting of varying bars and spaces, which make up the product's barcode.

4. Integration onto Product Packaging

This uniquely generated barcode is meticulously printed onto each package of the "Starlight Face Cream." This ensures uniformity across all units of the same product.

5. Scanning at Point of Sale

When a customer opts to purchase the face cream, your store cashier employs a scanner, which uses light to read the barcode's sequence, ensuring quick and accurate product recognition.

6. Retrieval of Product Details

Post-scanning, the store's computer system instantly matches the barcode with its database, identifying it as the "Starlight Face Cream" and displaying relevant information, such as its price of $15.

7. Application in Inventory and Sales

The barcode doesn't only facilitate the sales transaction. It also enables your store's system to adjust inventory counts, track sales metrics, and trigger restock alerts when the product runs low.

We hope that our article has now left you with a better understanding of how barcodes work.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like our article on how to read barcode numbers or our article on 3D barcodes.

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