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SurveyMonkey vs Google Forms: Which Is Better in 2024?

In this article, we explore the unique characteristics of Survey Monkey and Google Forms and compare their differences. Read on to learn more.

survey monkey vs google forms

SurveyMonkey at a Glance

SurveyMonkey is a versatile and comprehensive survey tool known for its wide range of question types, advanced survey logic capabilities, and robust data analytics. It caters well to both simple and complex survey needs, offering extensive customization options and integration with various platforms.

Unique Features of SurveyMonkey

Here are five unique features of Survey Monkey: 

Advanced Survey Logic: SurveyMonkey allows users to implement complex logic like skip logic, branching, and question randomization. 

A/B Testing: This feature enables users to test two versions of a question or survey to determine which performs better. It's crucial for optimizing surveys for response rates and data quality.

Text Analysis for Open-Ended Responses: SurveyMonkey offers advanced text analysis tools that automatically categorize and analyze open-ended responses. This simplifies the process of interpreting qualitative data, saving time and providing valuable insights.

Advanced Analytics and Reporting Tools: The platform provides extensive analytics capabilities, including trend analysis, cross-tabulation, and statistical significance testing. 

Integration with CRM and Data Tools: SurveyMonkey offers seamless integration with various CRM systems and data analysis tools. This integration allows for efficient data management and enhances the utility of survey data across different business operations.

surveymonkey vs google forms

Google Forms at a Glance

Google Forms is a user-friendly and efficient tool for creating surveys and forms, known for its straightforward design and seamless integration with the Google Workspace. Being completely free to use, Google Forms is a popular choice for those seeking a simple, cost-effective solution for gathering and analyzing basic survey data.

Unique Features of Google Forms

Below are five unique features of Google Forms:

Real-Time Collaboration: Google Forms allows multiple users to work on the same form simultaneously, offering real-time collaboration. 

Google Workspace Integration: It integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace tools like Google Sheets, Google Drive, and Google Docs. 

Auto-Save and Easy Recovery: Responses in Google Forms are automatically saved and easily recoverable, ensuring data is not lost. 

Simple and Intuitive Design: Known for its user-friendly interface, Google Forms allows even beginners to create surveys and forms quickly and efficiently. Its simplicity is a major advantage for users who need to deploy surveys without a steep learning curve.

Customizable Themes and Branding: Users can customize their forms with different themes, colors, and images to match their branding or personal style. 

google forms vs surveymonkey

Google Forms vs. SurveyMonkey: How Do They Differ?

Let's compare Google Forms and SurveyMonkey together to highlight their differences:


Google Forms: Designed for simplicity and ease of use.

SurveyMonkey: Offers more advanced features for complex survey needs.

Question Types

Google Forms: Basic question types like multiple-choice, checkboxes, and text responses.

SurveyMonkey: Wide range of question types, including advanced options like matrix questions, sliders, etc.

Survey Logic

Google Forms: Limited to basic conditional logic.

SurveyMonkey: Advanced logic capabilities such as skip logic, branching, and question randomization.

Design and Themes

Google Forms: Simple customization with themes and colors.

SurveyMonkey: Extensive customization options for branding and design, including a variety of templates.


Google Forms: Seamless integration with Google Workspace tools (Sheets, Docs, Drive).

SurveyMonkey: Integrates with a wider range of platforms, including CRM systems and data tools.

Data Analysis

Google Forms: Basic data collection and analysis, primarily through Google Sheets.

SurveyMonkey: Advanced data analysis tools, including text analysis for open-ended responses, trend analysis, and cross-tabulation.


Google Forms: Real-time collaboration and sharing capabilities.

SurveyMonkey: Collaboration features are available but might not be as seamless as Google's.


Google Forms: Completely free.

SurveyMonkey: Free basic plan with limited features; paid plans offer more advanced features.

User Interface

Google Forms: Known for its straightforward, intuitive design.

SurveyMonkey: User-friendly but with a slightly steeper learning curve due to advanced features.


Google Forms: Ideal for personal use, education, and basic business needs.

SurveyMonkey: Better suited for businesses, researchers, and users needing in-depth insights from surveys.

We hope that this article has helped you and given you a better understanding of the difference between SurveyMonkey vs Google Forms.

You might also like our articles on create a word cloud in google forms, Microsoft Forms vs Google Forms and how to get email notifications for Google Forms.

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