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What Is Inventory Cycle Time? [2024 Update]

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In this article, we explore what is inventory cycle time, how it is measured, what business factors can affect it, and some strategies for optimization. Read on to learn more.

what is inventory cycle time

What Is Inventory Cycle Time?

Inventory Cycle Time refers to the duration it takes for a product or item to traverse the entire inventory management process, from procurement to sale or use.

Example: Apple Inc. procures components for the iPhone 14 on January 1st. After assembling, marketing, and distributing, the iPhone 14s made from those components are sold to customers on March 20th, making the inventory cycle time 79 days.

Why is Inventory Cycle Time Important?

We will explore some of the reasons why a company should focus on inventory cycle time:

Streamlined Operations: Optimizes production by defining the time from raw materials to finished products, reducing bottlenecks.

Cost Reduction: Efficient Inventory Cycle Time management cuts expenses tied to excessive inventory, including warehousing, insurance, and obsolescence costs, boosting profitability.

Customer Satisfaction: Ensures product availability, meeting customer expectations for quick service and reducing the risk of stockouts.

Resource Allocation: Tracking Inventory Cycle Time enables precise allocation of resources like labor, equipment, and capital in the production process.

Lean Manufacturing: Inventory Cycle Time is essential in lean manufacturing, identifying and eliminating waste such as excess inventory, redundant processes, and idle time for cost savings.

Competitive Advantage: Grants a competitive edge, allowing rapid responses to changing market conditions, customer demands, and unexpected disruptions, ensuring a strong market position.

what is inventory cycle time?

Metrics for Measuring Inventory Cycle Time

Measuring inventory cycle time accurately is vital for making informed decisions. The following are some key metrics for measuring this:

Lead Time Analysis

This method involves meticulously examining the duration from the moment an order is placed until the product is received, providing insights into supplier performance and order fulfillment efficiency.

Throughput Ratio

Throughput ratio calculates the efficiency of production processes by comparing the output (completed products) to the input (raw materials or work-in-progress), helping identify production bottlenecks.

Inventory Turnover Rate

This metric assesses how frequently inventory is sold or used within a specific time frame, indicating the speed at which products move through the inventory system.

Days Sales of Inventory (DSI)

DSI measures how many days it takes to sell the existing inventory, giving a clear picture of how quickly products are moving off the shelves.

Flow Time Analysis

Flow Time Analysis evaluates the time a product spends at various stages of production, pinpointing areas where delays occur and enabling process optimization.

Technology-Driven Solutions

Employing inventory management software offers real-time tracking and analysis capabilities, allowing businesses to monitor Inventory Cycle Time accurately and make data-driven decisions for improvement.

what is inventory cycle

Factors Affecting Inventory Cycle Time

Understanding the factors that can impact Inventory Cycle Time is crucial for effective management. Here are some common factors you should look out for:

Demand Fluctuations

Rapid shifts in customer demand can lead to variations in cycle time as businesses must adjust production and procurement to meet changing needs.

Supplier Lead Times

Longer lead times from suppliers can result in delays in product availability, impacting the overall cycle time.

Production Process Inefficiencies

Inefficient internal processes, such as bottlenecks or delays in manufacturing or distribution, can extend the time it takes for a product to move through the cycle.

Transportation and Logistics

Delays or issues in transportation and logistics can increase cycle time, especially when products need to be moved across long distances.

Quality Control

Rigorous quality control processes, while important, can sometimes extend cycle time as products are thoroughly inspected before reaching customers.

Economic Conditions

Economic fluctuations can affect the availability of resources and materials, impacting the overall cycle time as businesses adapt to changing market conditions.

inventory cycle time

10 Steps to Manage Inventory Cycle Time

Follow our simple 10-step process to manage your inventory more effectively:

Step 1: Assess Current Inventory Levels

Before implementing any changes, it's crucial to understand the existing state of your inventory. For instance, if a shoe store has 500 pairs of a particular sneaker model in stock, that's their current inventory level.

Step 2: Identify Key Suppliers and Lead Times:

Know who your suppliers are and how long it typically takes for them to deliver. If a bicycle manufacturer takes 30 days to deliver components, that's a key lead time to consider.

Step 3: Implement an Efficient Inventory Management System:

Use software or other tools to track inventory in real-time. For example, a supermarket might use barcode scanning to automatically update stock levels after each sale.

Step 4: Forecast Demand Accurately:

Use historical sales data and market research to predict future sales. A toy store, noting that they sold 200 units of a toy in December last year, might expect similar demand this year.

Step 5: Optimize Stock Replenishment:

Establish a system to automatically reorder items when they fall below a certain threshold. If a pharmacy wants to always have at least 100 units of a particular medication, they might set a reorder point at 120 units.

Step 6: Monitor and Adjust Safety Stock Levels:

Safety stock acts as a buffer against unforeseen demand or supply delays. If a clothing retailer knows that a particular shirt is popular and might sell out quickly, they might keep an extra 50 units as safety stock.

Step 7: Regularly Review Supplier Performance:

Ensure suppliers are meeting delivery and quality expectations. If a bakery's flour supplier consistently delivers late, it might be time to consider alternatives.

Step 8: Minimize Wastage and Obsolescence:

Regularly review inventory for items that are nearing expiration or becoming obsolete. A computer store might offer discounts on older models before new ones are released to clear out old stock.

Step 9: Train Staff on Inventory Management Practices:

Ensure employees understand the importance of accurate inventory tracking. For example, a warehouse worker should be trained to report damaged goods immediately.

Step 10: Continuously Monitor and Analyze Cycle Time:

Regularly assess how long it takes for inventory to move through the system and look for areas of improvement. If a furniture store notices it takes 90 days from procurement to sale for a sofa, they might aim to reduce that to 75 days in the next quarter.

Example: BlueWave Surfboards

We will now apply our 10-step framework to an example company. BlueWave Surfboards is a top Californian manufacturer renowned for its premium surfboard designs. Due to rising demand and the sport's seasonality, BlueWave aims to streamline its inventory cycle for prompt delivery and cost reduction.

1. Assessing Current Inventory Levels

BlueWave currently has 1,000 surfboards in stock, with 300 of the popular "Tidal Rush" model and 200 of the "Wave Master" longboards.

2. Identifying Key Suppliers and Lead Times

The primary supplier for the special lightweight foam core, FoamTech, typically has a lead time of 25 days.

3. Implementing an Efficient Inventory Management System

BlueWave uses "Surf Stock Pro" software, which tracks each surfboard's production stage and updates stock levels as boards are sold.

4. Forecast Demand Accurately

Historical data shows that sales for the "Tidal Rush" model peak in June with about 500 units sold, so BlueWave anticipates similar demand this year.

5. Optimizing Stock Replenishment

The system is set to reorder "Wave Master" longboards when stock falls below 50 units, ensuring they don't run out during peak seasons.

6. Monitoring and Adjusting Safety Stock Levels

Given the unpredictability of surfing competitions, BlueWave keeps an extra 30 units of the competition-favored "Rapid Curl" model as safety stock.

7. Reviewing Supplier Performance Regularly

Recently, the resin supplier had delays, pushing production back by 10 days. BlueWave is now considering secondary suppliers to avoid such delays.

8. Minimizing Wastage and Obsolescence

BlueWave offers seasonal discounts on last year's "Sun Chaser" model before the release of the new design, ensuring older stock is cleared out.

9. Training Staff on Inventory Management Practices

All BlueWave staff undergo quarterly training on the "Surf Stock Pro" system, ensuring accurate tracking and reporting of any discrepancies.

10. Continuously Monitoring and Analyzing Cycle Time

Currently, it takes BlueWave 60 days from foam core procurement to final surfboard sale. They're aiming to optimize processes to reduce this to 45 days in the upcoming year.

We hope that you now have a better understanding of what inventory cycle time is and how to more effectively manage it.

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