In this article:

How to Send Email from Excel with Attachment (Easiest Way 2025)

In this article, we will show you how to automatically send email from Excel with attachment. Simply follow the process below.

How to Automatically Send Email From Excel With Attachment

Like many people, you’re probably wondering: “how to automatically send email with attachment from excel?”. This article will help.

1. Upload Your Excel File to Google Sheets or Create a New Google Sheets and Copy It’s URL

Upload your excel file to Google Sheets or create a new Google Sheets. Choose whatever works best. In this example, we are going to make a Google Sheet holding a list of customers who have submitted payment. We’ll make sure the Google Sheet is formatted as so:

  • The data should be tabular (no blank rows nor blank columns separating the data).
  • Column headers should be in the first row with no special characters or line breaks

Notice that in column D, I am including the links to the customers’ invoices (in this example we’re simply using Google Drive PDFs!). I want to send the invoices as attachments via email automatically:

send email from excel with attachment

Make sure your data is formatted in a tabular fashion as seen above

Copy the URL for your Google Sheet.

2. Connect Google Sheet to Lido

  • If you don't have a Lido account, you'll need to create one for free at: 
  • Lido offers premium spreadsheet formulas and automations not offered in Excel or Google Sheets, like SENDGMAIL() and SENDOUTLOOK(), which we'll use to send out our emails with invoice attachments
  • Create a new file, then click on the green Connect Data button
excel send email with attachment
  • Select Google Sheets from the list of integrations
  • Paste your Google Sheet URL into the text box
automatically send email with attachment from excel
  • After pasting the URL in the text box, click Connect to Google Sheets. You will get a message saying 'Successfully connected to Google Sheets’. Click Next.
  • The first time you connect to Google Sheets, you will be asked to log into a Google Account that has access to the Google Sheets. Make sure to toggle on the necessary permissions:
add reminder google sheets

  • Select the columns that you want to pull into Lido. Then click Add Data. In this case, we want to bring in all the columns.

Note: Renaming or deleting columns from within your Google Sheet can interrupt the connection to Lido. If this happens, in your Lido file click on "Edit Data" to reselect the correct Google Sheet data columns to pull in.

3. Create the Subject and Body of the Emails

We are now ready to create the subject and body of the automated emails. 

Create Email Templates

  • We will create subject and body email templates using our table column names as variables, by referencing them with [@Column] syntax
  • Set up templates for the email subject and body in a new tab like this (we recommend using the blank Sheet 1 tab that comes in every Lido file):

Now that we’ve made our email templates, we need to use them to actually create the personalized email subject and bodies for each of our data rows. We'll do that by creating two new computed columns for both Subject and Body. Then, we’ll use a formula called STRINGTEMPLATE() inside of the computed columns.

  • Go back to the Lido tab with your data table
  • Type “Subject” in the header cell (row 1) of the first blank column to the right of your table.  Press enter. A pop-up menu will appear. Select Computed Column. 
  • Add this formula to row 2 of the Subject column:

  • ‍When you press enter, the formula will be applied automatically to every row in your dataset. That is the beauty of the computed column!

Remember to anchor your STRINGTEMPLATE formula

In our example, Sheet1!$B$1 is the location of our email subject template. Make sure you replace this with the cell holding your template (if different). Anchor the cell reference with $ signs, as all rows will use the same template cell.

  • STRINGTEMPLATE replaces column references in your template with the values a row has for those columns. In our example, notice how the customer Name in each row’s email subject is personalized based on the contents of column B (labeled Name). This is because [@Name] in our email subject template gets replaced by the Name value of each row.
  • Repeat the process for the email body of each row. some text
    • Go to the next blank column (in our case column F)
    • Type Body in the header cell (row 1 cell). Press enter
    • Select computed column in the pop-up menu that shows up
    • Enter the formula below in row 2 of your Body column. Remember to change the cell reference to be your cell holding your email body template. Make sure to anchor the cell reference with $


Our data table in Lido now looks like this: 

4. Make a New Column for the SENDGMAIL() or SENDOUTLOOK Formula

Unlike Google Sheets, Lido's spreadsheet has a special type of formula called Action Formulas. SENDGMAIL and SENDOUTLOOK are Action Formulas that send emails. In this case we will use SENDGMAIL.

SENDGMAIL works as follows:

=SENDGMAIL(sender_email_credential, recipient_email, subject, body, [status_cell], [CC], [BCC], [attachment])


sender_email_credential: your sender email account (e.g., that we will connect to 

recipient_email: the email of the person receiving the email

subject: the email subject

body: the email body

[status_cell]: an optional status argument. A cell that will show “success” when the email for a row has been successfully sent

[CC]: optional argument for CC’ing email addresses

[BCC]: optional argument for BCC’ing email addresses

[Attachment]: optional argument for including attachments 

  • Note: in our example, for row 2 the [Attachment] cell is D2 (holding the Google Drive invoice link for that row!)

In our example, the core SENDGMAIL formula looks like the following and will go in row 2 of the next blank column right of our table (cell G2 for us):

=SENDGMAIL(<sender_email_credential>, B2, E2, F2, H2,,,D2)

Connect to Your Sender Email by Adding a Credential

You'll need to add a credential to connect your Gmail (or Outlook) account to Lido. To do this, start typing =SENDGMAIL(.

When you're in the first argument of =SENDGMAIL(), click on the "+Add credential" button to connect to your Gmail sender email address. The GIF below shows how to do this:

Make sure to follow the connection  flow and grant the necessary permissions so Lido can send automated email reminders on your behalf from your sender email address.

Note: your SENDGMAIL formula should be in the row 2 cell of the next blank column right of your data table. For our example, this will be G2. Computed columns are special columns created when you enter a formula right next to a table of data in Lido. These columns automatically apply your formula to every row in your dataset, with the correct cell references (i.e., row 2 cell references for row 2, row 3 cell references for row 3 and so on).

Double click on the row 1 cell (header cell) of the column holding the SENDGMAIL formula - this is Column G for us - and rename it to Email Trigger

Our Lido table now looks like this: 

Create an Email Status Column (Tracking Which Emails Have Been Sent)

As you may have noticed, in this example we set H2 as the status_cell for our SENDGMAIL formula when inputting the formula into cell G2; and the computed column has applied that SENDGMAIL formula to every row in our data table with the correct cell references for each row. For example, for row 3 the status_cell in SENDGMAIL is H3.  

So, in our example, column H will be the Status column tracking if a row’s email has been successfully sent.

Note: A Linked Column is a special kind of Lido column that lets you add data in Lido that stays "stuck" to the correct row of your external, connected data (e.g, Google Sheets data) - even if the external data source rows change order (cool right?!). 

For a Linked Column to work, it needs to use another column as a unique ID column (b/c we’ll be assigning each row’s Status value a unique ID). It’s important to pick an ID column with unique values - this is how Lido correctly keeps Status values (like “success”) stuck to the correct row - even when your external data rows change order.

We will choose Email Addresses as our unique ID - the GIF below shows an example of how to do this:

Double click on the header cell (row 1 cell) of your status column - for us this is cell H1 - and rename the column “Status”

Our data now looks like this:

Add Logic for When Emails Should be Sent

Let’s say we only want to send an email once to each customer when we confirm payment has been received (which is when we input their information in a Google Sheet row) - this is when we should send them an email with the invoice attachment. In other words, we want to send an email every time a new row is added to our Google Sheet. So, we’ll add an IF statement around SENDGMAIL - you can do this in any SENDGMAIL formula, but I suggest making changes in the row 2 SENDGMAIL formula:

=IF(H2<>"success", SENDGMAIL(, B2, E2, F2, H2, , , D2))


  • is our sender email credential
  • B2 is our Recipient email cell
  • E2 is our Subject cell
  • F2 is our Body cell
  • H2 is our Status cell
  • D2 is our Attachment cell (holding the invoice link)

Note: remember to use your own sender_email_credential for your own sender email address and use the correct cell references for the rest of the arguments

Press enter. The formula will be automatically applied to each row in the Email Trigger column with the correct cell references (notice how for row 3 all the cell references are for the third row; like D3 for the invoice link attachment)

The formula works as follows:

If a row’s Status value is not equal to (<>) “success” (in other words, a row’s email has not been sent yet) - then SENDGMAIL will display for that row and it will run for that row when our automation runs (keep reading!) - otherwise we display FALSE and no email will be sent.

As you can see above, the SENDGMAIL formula is visible for all rows since no emails have been sent yet, and thus, no row has a value of “success” for the Status column.


Right click on any of the SENDGMAIL action formulas and click "Run action" to send an email:

Right click on a visible SENDGMAIL action formula and select Run action to test send an email 

 If everything is set up correctly, you’ll see:

  • The SENDGMAIL action formula you just ran temporarily showing “success”
  • An “Action run successfully” notification on the bottom right of your file
  • The Status cell of the row whose email you just sent will show “success”. As a result, the SENDGMAIL action formula for that row will be hidden and just show FALSE

Note: you can double check the email went out by going to your sender email address’s outbox and check that the email was sent. Here is the example email I sent as depicted in my outbox (notice the attachment!):

5. Implement an Automation to Send Automated Emails With Attachments

Now, for the fun part. We can automate the running of the Email Trigger column. For rows where SENDGMAIL is visible in the column (i.e., rows whose Status value does not equal “success”), Lido will automatically run the SENDMGAIL action formula - even if the file is closed or you are logged out!

Click on the 3 dots of the Email Trigger header cell (row 1 cell) and select Run column on a schedule.

An automation panel will show up. Select the interval you want the automation to run on and press Save. 

Note: everytime the automation runs (say every day at 12PM), Lido will do the following things:

  • Pull in any new rows from your Google Sheet (or whatever data source you’ve connected to)
  • Update the Lido spreadsheet cell values to depict the current state of your Google Sheet (or whatever data source you’ve connected to)
  • Automatically send an email with attachments for the rows who require one be sent out (i.e., for the rows whose Status values are not equal to “success”)

…even when the file is closed or you are logged out. So, once you set the automation you can close the file and no more work needs to be done!

FAQ: Send Email From Excel With Attachment

Attachments need to be passed through as URLs. We only support attachments less than 25MB at this time.

Here are instructions for how to find this link from common places:

Attachments From Google Drive

For Google Drive links you can use the ‘Share link’ of the Google Drive file you want to attach to an email:

You can also open the file and use the file’s URL directly as well.

Attachments From Dropbox

1. Find the normal sharing link from Dropbox: Go to, find your file, and click the Copy link button that appears when you hover over it. Or, on your desktop, right-click on the file, and select Copy Dropbox Link.

You should have a link like:

2. Replace the with, which will give you a link like:

3. Pass the link from step 2 into your SENDGMAIL or SENDOUTLOOK formula

Sending multiple attachments

You can send multiple attachments using two methods:

=SENDGMAIL(<your GMAIL credential>, recipient, subject, body,[status_cell],[cc], [bcc], array(url1, url2))


=SENDGMAIL(<your GMAIL credential>, recipient, subject, body, [status_cell],[cc], [bcc], "url1, url2, url3")

For more documentation on SENDGMAIL and all its arguments (including attachments) go read this documentation.

For more documentation on SENDOUTLOOK and all its arguments (including attachments) go read this documentation.

For automatically sending emails based on cell values in your spreadsheet, read this article.

For automatically sending emails every time a new row is added in your spreadsheet, read this article.

Don’t want to use Google Sheets?

Upload your excel file directly to Lido or copy and paste your excel data to Lido

1. Copy the data from Excel to Lido. In Excel, select the table range you want to copy, then right-click and hit “Copy”.

In a new spreadsheet in Lido, right-click an empty cell and click “Paste”.

2. Alternatively, you can use Lido’s “Upload spreadsheet” function. You can find this by navigating to File → Upload spreadsheet → Excel file.

Once your data is formatted, right-click the selection and choose "Convert Table from Range". Save your named table and proceed to the next step.

Click here to get started with Lido! You know all you need to know on how to automatically send email with attachment from excel!

We hope that you now have a better understanding of how to send email from Excel with attachments.

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