In this article:

How to Transfer Google Calendar to Another Account in 2025

In this article, we will show you how to transfer a Google Calendar to another Google Account. Simply follow the process below.

How to Transfer Google Calendar to Another Account

Follow the simple steps below to easily move your calendar and its events to a new Google account.

1. Select Calendar for Transfer in the 'My Calendars' Section

Find the calendar you want to transfer on the left side of your Google Calendar page. It should be listed under "My calendars." Click on this calendar to highlight it, indicating that it's the one you intend to transfer.

how to transfer google calendar to another account

2. Open 'Settings and Sharing' for Selected Calendar

With your calendar selected, hover over it to see additional options. Click on the three vertical dots next to the calendar name. From the dropdown menu, choose 'Settings and sharing.' This opens a new page where you can modify calendar settings.

how to transfer a google calendar to another account

3. Add New Google Account in 'Share with Specific People or Groups'

On the settings page, scroll down until you find the 'Share with specific people or groups' section. Here, click on 'Add people and groups.'

how to transfer calendar from one google account to another

Enter the email address of the Google account to which you're transferring the calendar. Press 'Send' to invite the new account to access the calendar.

4. Assign Full Control Permissions to New User

After adding the new account, a box will appear allowing you to set permissions. Select 'Make changes and manage sharing' from the dropdown menu. This gives the new account full control over the calendar, including the ability to manage sharing settings.

5. Notify the New Users of Shared Calendar

Once you've shared the calendar, reach out to the new account holder. Inform them that they've been added to the calendar and should look out for an email or notification in their Google Calendar account to accept it.

6. New User to Accept Calendar in Their Account.

The new account holder should now sign in to their Google account. They need to check their email or Google Calendar notifications for an invitation to access the shared calendar.

They should click 'Ass' to add the calendar to their account.

7. Change Calendar Ownership if Desired

If you want to completely transfer ownership, the new account holder can go to the same 'Settings and sharing' page for the calendar. They can change your role to a more limited one or remove your access, effectively transferring ownership to themselves.

8. Confirm Calendar Appears Correctly in New Account

Finally, the new account holder should check that the calendar appears correctly in their Google Calendar. They should confirm that all events are present and that they have the appropriate level of access as intended.

We hope that you now have a better understanding of how to transfer Google Calendar to another account. If you enjoyed this article, you might also like our article on how to use Google Calendar as a planner or our article on how to make Google Calendar aesthetic.     

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